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The only way to stop puberty in a male is castration, either through the use of chemicals or by a physical operation. Neither is desireable and physical castration simply to stop or prevent puberty is now considered to be child abuse and thus illegal.

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10y ago
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15y ago

no u just have to deal with urself, if it makes u feel better, lots of kids are insecure about themselves when going through puberty, lots of girls have lopsided breasts and some boys have twisted penises, its all normal

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12y ago

There are no ways to speed it up; it is a natural process that cannot be changed. You need to stay patient and enjoy the process of being a teenager.

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13y ago

You cant slow down puberty and because they just are

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12y ago

Under normal circumstances you cannot slow down Puberty. It takes it's course.

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11y ago

Haha, there is no possible way to speed up puberty

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14y ago

No, not very easily.

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13y ago

There is absolutey no way to stop it.

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Q: How do you slow down puberty in girls?
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Nope, it will not speed it up or slow it down.

Why do girls get hair down there?

Because it is a sign of puberty and one step closer to their period.

Any websites for girls in puberty?

Yes. is a good website for girls in puberty.

Does type 1 diabetes slow down puberty?

Yes, Type 1 diabetes has been shown to delay the onset of puberty. Results of one study showed a significant delay in puberty in both males and females.

What happen to girls before puberty?

Before Puberty, girls grow as children. They do not develop sexually until Puberty and hormones start.

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Blind girls don't hit puberty earlier then other girls.

Who can go longer a qirl or a boy at sex?

i say girls! girls know when do slow down and pace themselfs

How much sooner does girls Puberty begin before boys?

Puberty does not begin at the same time for everyone. Girls on average begin puberty a year before boys.

Do girls get away from their families after puberty?

No not really girls like me go through puberty at the age of 8 and 16

When Does A Girls Puberty Be Complete?

every girl has a different rate about puberty

Do girls go through puberty?

yes, all girls go through puberty. most girls enter puberty around the ages of 9-13 but some girls may start earlier or later. but just because they enter puberty doesn't mean they get their period yet. usually girls get their periods 1 to 2 years after they enter puberty. but some girls are different.They go through it just as much as boys do. It just works differently for girls then boys.