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Some people wear ear plugs, others sleep in a separate room, and there are devices that can help improve the snoring, like mouth splints (sort of like sports mouth guards) that hold the jaw in a better position for breathing.

However, if the snoring is especially loud, it could also be a sign of a breathing problem, and the snorer should maybe have an exam. The health care professional may suggest a sleep study to see if there may be an obstruction of tissue in the throat and soft palate causing the loud snoring.

If this is the case, it can often be helped by a device called CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) which helps keep the airway wide open by a stream of air resulting in greatly reducing snoring. CPAP and sleep studies are also used in the diagnosis and treatment of a condition called sleep apnea, which is associated with snoring. Sleep apnea is a condition with periods during sleep when you are unable to take normal breaths and actually can stop breathing for short intervals. This can result in serious secondary conditions. Sometimes the first symptom of sleep apnea is complaints by bed partners about their mate's snoring.

Of course, some people also snore without having medical problems. In those cases, it can be positional. Usually it is worse when people sleep on their backs. To prevent that, some people prop themselves in bed on their sides with pillows. Alternately, some more creative solutions to prevent someone from turning to sleep on their back include pajamas with a pocket in the back that holds a rubber ball which is uncomfortable to lie on and people typically reposition to their side instead.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

I used to have also problems with snoring, specially when I used to sleep on my back. While I am not into into surgical solutions I looked for an other options.
There are different solutions for snoring: exercises, different natural remedies, special pillows, and surgical pillar procedure.

Individually for me, the anti-snoring pillow did the trick. I have been trying different pillows and I would recommend brand called Snoreless.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Listen to music or take sleeping pills. Also, I find opening a window helps drown out the noise a little.

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What is the difference between snoring and sleep apnea Or is it the same?

You can check out this article on snoring and sleep apnea:

How do you sign snoring in sign language?

To sign "snoring" in American Sign Language (ASL), you can use the sign for "SLEEP" followed by the sign for "NOSE." This can convey the action of someone sleeping with their mouth open and making a snoring sound.

Can snoring affect the quality of sleep?

Snoring and sleep apnea: Snoring is a problem that one doesn’t realize they have until someone tells them. One cannot hear their own snoring usually, but it disrupts the sleep of others nearby. It is usually a common condition in overweight people, but can also occur due to anatomical issues in the throat, nose and alcohol consumption. To prevent and fix snoring or sleep apnea, you should first consider losing weight. Apart from lifestyle changes, snoring or sleep apnea requires the use of CPAP devices or mouth or nasal tubes to correct. Moreover, in a worst-case scenario, you may even need surgery to correct your throat orientation or correct anatomical features.

Where can you get more information on the cures for sleep apnea and snoring?

Online websites like HelpGuide and MayoClinic offer several different information on sleep apnea and snoring. They give information of symptoms, treatments, and cures of sleep apnea and snoring.

Why have you started snoring recently?

There can be a lot of different reasons for snoring. No matter what the cause or causes of your snoring problem is, snoring can really interrupt and disrupt people's sleep.

Does sleep apnea cause snoring?

Yes, sleep apnea cause snoring. From a light sleep to a deep sleep, the muscles in the roof of your mouth, tongue and throat relax. The tissues in your throat can relax enough and block your airway create a vibrate sound which is called snoring.

Is something wrong with our two year old she is snoring and we think she has sleep apnea?

Snoring is abnormal in children. She needs and ENT evaluation and a sleep study.

What are some names of books on how to prevent snoring?

Some popular books on how to prevent snoring include "The Natural Way to a Better Night's Sleep" by Mary Joslin and "The Snoring Cure: Simple Steps to Getting a Good Night's Sleep" by Jane Harris. These books offer practical tips and strategies to address the underlying causes of snoring and improve sleep quality.

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Where can an individual purchase a snoring mouthpiece?

There are many ways for someone to purchase a mouthpiece designed to limit or prevent snoring. Some of the most popular are ZQuiet, Snore Rx, and Vital Sleep, all of which have their own sites to purchase these mouthpieces.

Should you sleep?

I will sleep on my back in my bed in my bedroom tonight.