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that is so inapropriate, I as a lecturer at harvard, I specialise in child health.

people like you infuriate me, please re-think your actions you silly man

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Q: How do you scare a 4 year old?
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scare him when he least expects it

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Why doesn't it scare 4 year old when bleeding?

A four year old isn't fully developed in their mind yet, Therefore the sight of blood will not scare them because they do not know what it is. Its the same with most bad cuts and sharp pains. a child of that age shouldn't really know what that is yet but its all the human mind.

How do you scare a 5 year old boy?

i would put a snake in his bed

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4 year old girl

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Common fears for 9-year-old girls may include ghosts, monsters, the dark, heights, or the fear of being alone. It's important to be mindful of each child's individual sensitivities and comfort levels when considering what may scare them.

Is 4 year old to young to play flag football?

Not if it is playful with other 4 year old, or people mature enough to know how to play with a 4 year old.

Can a 4 year old get molars?

Yes. Their 4 years old and they are getting their 4 year old molars.

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12 and 13 year old perverted fans scare him.

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Should I let my 4-year old son see my 4-year old daughter's vulva?

sure why not, nothing wrong with 4 yr old boy seeing a 4 yr old girl's vulva

What to do when a 12 year old girl is BORD?

go and hide under your wardrobe and scare you mum dad bro sis or friends it worked for me