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Peer pressure leads to smoking when a non-smoker hangs out with smokers. The smokers sometimes make the non-smoker feel left out or uncool, so the non-smoker starts smoking. Of course, you can avoid that by selecting friends who are non-smokers. It could be also if you hear that somking relaxes you, so you try it once when your mad and you get addicted.

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11y ago

If your peers are pressuring you to smoke, the only options you have are to succumb to the pressure or just tell them that you are not going to smoke, whether it is cigarettes or marijuana. If they continue to pressure you, it might be time to make some new friends.

Remember that by succombing to the pressure, you may be on the road to a very unhealthy, smelly, and costly habit that once you develop it, it could take an immense amount of determination and will power to break. Remind yourself that you are being the "cool" one and stand firm. Succombing to peer pressure to smoke is not worth it in the long run. I know! I succombed.

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The four resistance skills to resist negative peer pressure are assertiveness, refusal skills, avoidance, and seeking support from positive influences or adults. These skills can help you confidently say no to peer pressure and make choices that align with your values and goals.

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hundreds a day so do not give into peer pressure its OK to be different and say no

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Smoke weed er'day

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Friendly peer pressure is pressure to do something that comes from a friend. It could be a friend wanting you to take a drink, smoke a cigarette, or stay out late.

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High self-esteem can help you resist peer pressure because you are more comfortable with your own beliefs and values, making you less likely to succumb to external influence. When you have a strong sense of self-worth, you are more confident in making decisions that align with your own principles, even in the face of peer pressure.

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Peer pressure, family pressure, depression or just plain stupidity.

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0% they all wanted to smoke it :)