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These are -- as you no doubt know -- quite painful. I'm going to say lancing is the treatment of choice, but it's not a first aid treatment. The first aid for this is packing it to prevent more irriation. I don't like lancing boils at home. It's a process that really can benefit from a doctor's eye and a good sterile field, not to mention it's sometimes quite valuable to culture the discharge from the boil. If done incorrectly, you can spread the infection that caused the boil to other tissues.

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16y ago
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11y ago

The best thing to do is just to wash them with warm water and a soapy washcloth. They should remedy themselves in a couple of days. To prevent them, make sure to wash away any deodorant with soap or body wash before shaving. This reduced the bacteria and chemicals on this skin. Be sure to not use a dull razor. Dull razors make the hairs more jagged, and they are less likely to grow correctly.

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16y ago

It depends what the boil actually is....

It could be a blocked pore (aka pimple), a rash or even a cyst.

What does it look like?

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15y ago

Yes. Boils are inflammatory infections of hair follicles, but usually need only limited treatment (as with ichthammol drawing salve, ammonium bituminosulfonate).

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Q: How do you remove ingrown hairs in your armpits?
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What causes hairs all over to become ingrown and become pimple like?

Ingrown hairs are those bumps caused by the tiny hairs not breaking out of your skin and continuing to grow under a layer of skin. They can be pretty tricky to remove, and can cause infection when not done correctly.

What is the purplish pimple you have on your leg?

I'm no expert, but whenever I have them they are ingrown hairs caused by shaving (although you can get ingrown hairs if you don't shave,too). I find that when I exfoliate more frequently after shaving, I have fewer ingrown hairs.

How to Remove an Ingrown Hair?

Ingrown hairs are annoying and painful. Letting the hair grow out and free itself from the skin. This can be done with daily moisturizing and soft exfoliation to slowly remove the dead skin cells that are blocking the hair from reaching the surface. If you wish to remove the hair, it is possible the hair will become ingrown once again; however, a gentle pinching at the site of the ingrown hair should release the hair so you can pluck it.

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Some people think that teabags do help with ingrown hairs. Some people do not think that teabags help with a ingrown hair.

What contra actions can you get from waxing?

bruising, blood spotting, ingrown hairs

What is a home remedy for ingrown hairs?

all u have to do is pull it out with tweezers

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Will using a men's electronic razer really help my boyfriend with the many ingrown hairs he seems to get?

There is no reason for the electric razor to cause ingrown hairs as long as you shave with the direction of the hair growth and use a good after shave. If you shave against the hair growth your chances of getting an ingrown hair are higher.

What solutions are available for ingrown hair removal?

There are specific hair removal products, like Olay Hair Removal, that can help with removing ingrown hairs. One can also use acne medication on the ingrown hair area to help with ingrown hair removal.

What causes ingrown hair and how do you get rid of them?

The best way to get rid of ingrown hairs is to contact your dermotologist. A dermotologist can provide the best treatment necessary that won't damage your skin.

Can you get herpes from ingrown hairs?

yes, yes you can, it is very painful, it happened to my arm, eyebrow and toe

Are ingrown hairs harmful?

No, not really, just painful. I just got done plucking some. LOL, I am a guy with long hair, though. Here's a page with good information about ingrown hairs, what causes them, how to avoid them, what to do if you have one - and what NOT to do! best-mens-skin-care.