Stress is defined as your response to the environment - and includes your mental and physical well being. Some people handle stress as though the end of the world is coming while others practice certain techniques that allow stress to be converted into positive energy. Here are a few tips on how to reduce stress in your life so that your Mind and Body stay healthy: # Meditation # SLEEP-Sleep deprivation causes the body to release high levels of cortisol (stress hormone) and just leaves you unrested and overall cranky and physically beat # Exercise- even 15 minutes a day releases endorphines (happy biochemicals) and recirculates the blood in your body- (running/yoga/swimming etc...) # Balanced diet- it may seem obvious but potato chips are not a vegetable. # breathing exercises- calms the nerves # Planning and being on time- you cant freak out if you planned ahead- and that includes planning for a PLAN B # Removal of Negative energy- avoid your mean boss, cut out those pessimistic friends # Appreciation- whether it's prayer or admiring the flowers in the garden, Study after study has proven that those who take the time out to appreciate what they have everyday are happier people. # Helper's high- do nice thing for other people, it makes you feel better about yourself On the Lighter Side Go to Amsterdam and Smoke some weed.
I'm not kidding.
It's a mind alterating plant, yes.
But you can still function, and make good decisions.
Plus there is NO way to overdose.
Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? -Matthew 6:25-27
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. -Romans 8:28
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God. -Philipians 4:6
There are so many ways to reduce stress like exercise, aromtherapy, massage etc. But a well known way to relieve stress is by listening to soothing music when you are stressed out. A good course i would recommend is the Soothing Stress Relief Sounds Course. It helps you to use music effectively against stress.
To help people to reduce the stress level in everyday life, there needs to be a way to analyze their stress levels and find out what is causing it. We can then use this data to make decisions about lifestyle changes and get rid of the causes of stress.
If the stress in your life is out of control, here are some simple stress relief methods you can implement into your life to improve your day. Take a brake breathe, stretch, relaxing music works very much when your stressed. Use these tips daily when your stressed out.
You can reduce the stress in your life to ensure that you are not putting extra stress on your heart. Also, avoid caffeine as it has been known to cause irregular heartbeat.
By talking it out with someone who is completely unbiased, that in itself can sometimes help to reduce stress. A trained professional can also make recommendations for you to reduce stress.
NO, but stress can cause rashes
I think it should be: How do you reduce stress - not revage!
Reading is known to lessen stress.
To reduce stress try to identify the source of the stress and live positively in terms of eating well, exercising regularly and resting.
Nutrition, social support, and healthy sleep patterns also reduce stress.
A stress buster is something that helps reduce or alleviate stress, such as engaging in activities like exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones. These activities can promote relaxation, improve mood, and reduce the physical and mental effects of stress.
It is beleived that it can reduce stress levels.