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First perform an Initial Assessment.

Open the airway, Check for breathing, if there is no breathing give two rescue breaths.

If the rescue breaths go in and make the chest clearly rise check for a pulse.

IF there is no pulse begin CPR.

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12y ago

You check for a pulse by feeling the carotid artery on either side of the neck (check the side closest to you) and you check for breathing by observing the mouth and the movement of the chest. If there is either no breathing or no pulse, a person is a candidate for CPR (there is no guarantee that such a person can be resuscitated successfully, but you can certainly try).

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15y ago

They will be unconscious and will not have a pulse and will not be breathing.

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12y ago

the person is unconscious and does not have a pulse and is not breathing

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No, you would not give CPR to a person with atrial fib. This condition is treated with drugs such as blood thinners or medications that regulate the heart. If however, the person stops breathing, you would then perform CPR.

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The 4 R's in CPR are... -Risk -Recognize -React -Resuscitate

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CALL 000 IMMEDIATELY AND ASK FOR THE AMBULANCE! If you are at the beach the lifeguard should be able to.

How old do you have to be to have adult CPR?

Adult CPR is needed for whenever someone needs aid in breathing. Therefore, it can be any age that needs it, as long as the person has a certification in CPR for legal reasons. The word "adult" refers to at least age 18, so adult CPR is CPR for those 18 and over only.

Find a co-worker who is not a professional rescuer performing CPR what do you do?

You do not need to be a professionalrescuer to perform CPR. If CPR is being done correctly, confirm 911 has been called. Ask if the person needs a rest and you take over CPR. If CPR is being done incorrectly, ask the person if you can take over CPR. If you are in a setting where you have a duty to respond or take action (as a professional rescuer), you are the more advanced person so you should assess the situation and determine what needs to be done next. Is the person doing CPR correctly? Is the scene safe? Do you need to call your headquarters? Are there any other victims? Follow your protocols.

What are the guidlines for adminering a person who is not breathing and has no pulse?

For the condition of no breathing and no pulse, immediately commence CPR.

What is the difference between emergency and first aid?

Emergency care is what a person in distress needs. Some needs of a person in distress may be first aid, CPR, ACLS, and others.

How many people to perform CPR?

It only takes 1 person to perform CPR. An advanced CPR course can be taken to train you on 2-person CPR, which makes it easier and more productive than 1 person CPR.

Does a tech teacher need to know CPR?

everyone needs to know cpr