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I hope you are not wearing a tampon when not on a period. This is unhealthy and if you are just starting your period you should not be using a tampon until you are older. The tampon box gives written as well as a diagram of how to put in a tampon. Follow the directions and read the warnings. This is very important.

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Q: How do you put on and remove a tampon if you never got your period?
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You put in a tampon before your period and blood came out?

You were expecting your period and you got IT before IT got you!

When a girl is on her period at school what should you do?

Well, if you have never got it before ask a female adult for a pad or tampon. If you've had it before stick a pad or tampon in pocket just in case.

What do you do if you got your period before you have to remove the ring?

Keep nuvaring in and use tampons or pads. Whatever you rather. But be careful taking out tampon. It shouldn't come out with it but be cautious

Do you got to a gynecologist to remove a tampon?

If you can't remove a tampon yourself then you can ask a friend or family member to help you. If you still cannot remove the tampon then yes, you go have to go to a doctor like your gynecologist to remove the tampon or else you risk serious health problems like TSS or severe vaginal infection.

Your not on your period but i discharge pink?

Check to make sure you got your tampon out. Believe it or not, this happens to alot of women.

You are 32 years old and have never got your period.?

then your a man

Can tyou get pregnant even if you've never got your period?

NO!!!!!! NO!!!!!! NO!!!!!!

Does a tampon prevent the sperm from fertilizing the egg at all?

NO !! of course not ,, think about how it got there to start with, no!!!! the sperm got there first... a tampon would just push it in further. Even if you did for some reason choose to have sex with a tampon in, this will not prevent pregnancy because the tampon would just absorb some of the semen, and it would still be "in there" Good luck trying to find the tampon after having sex with it in.

If a girl never got there period before can they be pregnant?

that obviosly depends on if the girl "did it"

Can a car insurance company remove collision from your policy if your inspection was late?

They may remove it for the time period that they required it and the time that they got the inspection.

Is it normal to spot for a little more than a week after finishing your period?

No this isn't normal and can be a symptom of a hormonal imbalance or pregnancy.

Has Miley Cyrus started puberty?

Yes she has. She says she was out at the mall one day with Mandy - her best friend and she got her period and went to the restrooms to change her tampon. she didn't have any change. There she was standing staring at the tampon machine and out popped 4 tampons - lucky! I DOUBT THE ABOVE ONE WAS TRUE. But, she is almost 19 years old. So Obviously.