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If you do regular exercise, have a healthy diet, don't smoke much or at all, and check for a eventual tumor every one or two years, you should be fine. =)

Oh and there's a pneumonia vaccine, recommended to younger children and people over 65 years of age.

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12y ago

you could prevent other people from getting lung cancer by not donating lungs to other people so there you have it now go tell your friends.... :)

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Q: How do you prevent from getting lung cancer?
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How can you prevent lung cancer from getting worse?

don't be around people who smoke

Can you get lung cancer from asbestos with out getting mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma IS lung cancer.

Can you prevent Lung Cancer?

The most common preventable cause of lung cancer is the smoking of tobacco products. So the most effective way to prevent lung cancer is to not smoke. This will not prevent all cases of lung cancer, but is a big start. Then limit your chest exposure to medical x-rays to the minimum necessary, and avoid exposure to airborne asbestos, silica, etc. That still won't prevent all lung cancers, but will do a great deal.

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Lung cancer is the leading cause of death in people with cancer. People normally die from smoking then getting lung cancer.

Are the links between asbestos and lung cancer?

Yes. Asbestos exposure does increase your risk of getting lung cancer.

What are some tips on prevention of lung cancer?

The main way to prevent lung cancer is to avoid smoking and areas in which there is a lot of cigarette smoke.

Can you get lung cancer from smoking marijuana wax?

Yes. It is much worse than smoking regular cannibus. Typically they are made with a ton of butane. So your basically smoking condensed THC and a ton of lighter fluid. Enjoy.

Do camels have nightmares?

Yes about getting lung cancer

Should you smoke after getting lung cancer?

no are you dumb

What does you make the world a better place by making yourself a better person mean?

This means that with the smallest good deed that u give will make even the greatest change on the world. For example, if you stop smoking, you can prevent thousands of people from getting asthma and lung cancer, and you will be preventing yourself from getting lung cancer too.

How ca you prevent lung cancer?

if a person do not use smoking drugs poison

How does Cigarettes contribute to lung disease?

Smoking does not cause lung cancer. Though it can create an environment that increases your chances of getting lung cancer as well as many other ailments and conditions.