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You don't exactly but if you have the symptoms I am about to tell you you most likely have it and you should see a doctor or go to the emergency room. If you have stomach pains that are really bad , Pains in your back which doesn't always happen, Sore to walk from your stomach. there are lot's more symptoms but If the pain is a 8-9 10 on a pain scale of 1-10. you should see a doctor you might have something else that could make you very sick to. Good luck!!

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Q: How do you no if you have appendicitus?
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What is the cost of appendicitus surgery?

Free if you have a medicare card and you go to a public hospital.

How long does the pain for an infected appendicitus spread?

It depends some have it for longer before it explodes but if you think you have it see a doctor right away!!!!

How do you know if its a appendix problem and how which side does it hurt on if you have a ruptured appendix?

your right side..... two of my friends had appendicitus one of them described it as 'getting stabbed in the belly'

How did dahl's sister die?

Roald Dahl's sister, Astri, died by catching measelswhcich devolped into appendictis, (inflammanation of the brain)Roald Dahl's sister Astri died from appendicitus when she was seven.

Symptoms of appendicitus in children?

my son is 4 had rumbling appendix for 5 days in alot pain when medicine wears off being sick once not eating or drinking lost 4 pound in weight is it normal

How many people have died from appendicitus?

what is appedicitus? Appendicitis is inflammation of the Appendix which is treated by antibiotics and Surgery. Any surgery has risks but the death rate from Appendectomy is very low about 0.3 per cent. It can be slightly higher in the elderly and Surgery for Appendicitis is a relatively safe procedure

You have pain in your lower right side but if you push on it it hurts worse Is that a sighn of appendicitus?

It could or it could be a kidney infection. But if you have it any where in your lower stomach side or back it could be because your appendix floats around when infected. and try not to touch it it could make it worse.

Early this morning at about 3 are you got severe stabbing pains around your right navel area and it got worse as the day went on i got most symptoms of appendixitus now the pains gone What is happenin?

my parents say that if it was an appendicitus i would have been doubled over in pain. i wouldn't say the pain i had was the worst pain you could get with that sort of thing. and they're saying i shouldn't worry. it's just when i went to the doctors today, i didnt have a fever or anything. but she pressed my appendix and i was in severe pain. i was wondering does the pain normally come and go? or is it just continuous. I'm hoping my appendix havent burst. i doubt it though.

Was Zac Efron rushed to the hospital?

yes Zac Efron Is In Hospital He got admitted in an emergeny with appendicitus and had to have his appendix removed =[ reporters say he is recovering well and should be ok within a couple of weeks to start shooting seventeen again x

When did Frederic Remington die?

frederic Remington died in Africa hunting lions, there where two man eaters, john Patterson hired him to help hunt down the lions so they could carry on building a bridge. he managed to kill one lion but the other attacked him while he was sleeping in his tent. Patterson killed the other lion shortly after. so to answer you question, Remington died in savo, Africa( don't know how to spell savo) i believe they made a movie out of it. i think it is called "the ghost and the darkness" i think Micheal Douglas play Remington. It's spelled Tsavo. Michael Douglas' character in The Ghost and the Darkness was Charles Remington. The painter and sculptor Frederic Remington died in Conneticut in 1909. The earlier movie about the lions of Tsavo (Bwana Devil, made in 1952) was more accurate in some ways. Patterson was real, and he did kill the lions, which did not have manes.

How old was roald dahl sister when she died?

Roald Dahl's sister, Astri, died from appendicitis when she was just seven years old. This tragic event had a significant impact on Dahl's life and writing, influencing many of the dark and emotional themes in his works.