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As you give the ventilation, look down the axis of the body and you should see the chest rise approximately 1/2 to 1 inch. This is how you will know air is going into the lungs.

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Q: How do you make sure air is going into a child's lungs during CPR?
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What lifestyle choices affect the lungs in a positive or negative way?

If you want to improve the health of your lungs the best thing that you can do is exercise regularly. It is important to do cardiovascular exercises such as running or power walking because this type of psychical activity elevates your heart rate and strengthens the lungs as the work to keep oxygen going into your body and carbon dioxide going out. Living in an area with less pollution is also a good choice to make when consider the health of your lungs. Smoking negatively affects your lungs because of the harmful chemicals that make up a cigarette. Along with the harm that the chemicals do to your lungs, cigarettes can also cause cancer. Alcohol is another bad choice because it can do harm to your liver and you could get liver cancer