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I used to have also problems with snoring, specially when I used to sleep on my back. While I am not into into surgical solutions I looked for an other options.
There are different solutions for snoring: exercises, different natural remedies, special pillows, and surgical pillar procedure.

Individually for me, the anti-snoring pillow did the trick. I have been trying different pillows and I would recommend a brand called Snoreless.

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8y ago
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12y ago

Snoring could be a sign of a serious sleeping disorder known as sleep apnea, where the snorer is actually stopping breathing multiple times each night. If the snorer has unusually loud snoring and stops breathing a few seconds throughout the night, you should see a doctor immediately so that a sleep study can be conducted to confirm sleep apnea. If they have sleep apnea there are many things that can be done to alleviate it, from dental guards to CPAP machines that keep air flowing continuously at night. Only a doctor can determine the best solution.

Perhaps it's not sleep apnea and maybe a person is snoring from a cold or maybe one too many drinks that night, have the snorer roll on to their side when sleeping. Sleeping on their back will only cause the snoring to get louder. There are also pillows that can help too, check this no-snore pillow from Sleepy's out.

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8y ago

I used to have also problems with snoring, specially when I used to sleep on my back. While I am not into into surgical solutions I looked for an other options.
There are different solutions for snoring: exercises, different natural remedies, special pillows, and surgical pillar procedure.

Individually for me, the anti-snoring pillow did the trick. I have been trying different pillows and I would recommend brand called Snoreless.

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8y ago

Sometimes position is the key. Raising the head or just getting them to roll over on a side might help.

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What are things to stop snoring?

Best Solution is available to stop snoring, use vedobi snoring drops. Snoring drops is ayurvedic it is very effective in sinusitis problem. Best snoring medicine use 2-3 drops of vedobi snoring drops in each nostril. Let the drops slide down in your nose and wait for 2-3 minutes. visit on vedobi . com

Why doesn't my snoring wake me up?

You are probably just accustomed to it -- if you have been snoring for a long time your brain has learned that it is ok to keep sleeping through the sound of your snoring. It is possible that your snoring does wake you up sometimes but that you don't realize that it is the snoring that woke you up -- don't forget, you stop snoring when you wake up.

Do African guppies make you stop snoring?

dont repeat anything you see on Zoey 101 ;)

How do you make someone stop snoring without stuff advertised on TV?

I used to have also problems with snoring, specially when I used to sleep on my back. While I am not into into surgical solutions I looked for an other options.There are different solutions for snoring: exercises, different natural remedies, special pillows, and surgical pillar procedure.Individually for me, the anti-snoring pillow did the trick. I have been trying different pillows and I would recommend brand called Snoreless.

Who to stop snoring?

Roll on to your side

How does snoring contribute to weight gain?

I think you have it backwards, snoring is a result of gaining weight... Lose the weight and you'll stop snoring...

Where online can I find information on how to stop snoring?

You can find information on how to stop snoring on the following website: They have great info.

How can you stop kids snoring?

block there nose

What is the difference between insomnia and apnea?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which you either have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes a person to stop breathing multiple times throughout the night night. Sleep apnea is typically recognized by extremely loud snoring.

Are there any special pillows that help relieve snoring?

Some products that you can take for snore relief include Snore Stop Maximum Strength tablets and Snore Stop chewables. Alternatively, you can also use tools such as mouth guards and breathing aids to minimize snoring.

Tips on how to stop snoring.?

A lot of times a snore away nasel strip will help you with your snoring problems. You can also try adjusting the way you sleep as this could be the cause of your snoring.

What are some names of books on how to prevent snoring?

Some popular books on how to prevent snoring include "The Natural Way to a Better Night's Sleep" by Mary Joslin and "The Snoring Cure: Simple Steps to Getting a Good Night's Sleep" by Jane Harris. These books offer practical tips and strategies to address the underlying causes of snoring and improve sleep quality.