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Well, whenever I get a sunburn I usually put aloe vera gel on it. It makes the burn feel cold and I find that it helps the burning feeling alot.

Hope this helped! :)

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Q: How do you make a sunburn not burn?
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Does red hair make you burn faster?

If by burn, you mean sunburn, then usually yes.

Does hot water make you have sunburn?

No hot water wont give you a sunburn but it sure will burn you! Sunburn is caused by overexposure to the sun's or a tanning bed's ultraviolet rays. Hot water will make a sunburn "burn" if you take a hot shower after getting a sunburn.

Is sunburn compound word?

sunburn is a compound word. sun + burn = sunburn

Is sunburn a compound word?

Sunburn is a compound word. sun + burn = sunburn

Is sunburn a first degree burn?

Yes, sunburn is a first degree burn. A first degree burn will have redness. It will also feel hot to the victim.

Why do you peel when you have sunburn?

Because sunburn IS actually a burn. It starts to burn you skin and it's way of healing is to get rid of the damaged skin and grow new, healthy skin.

What is the first aid treatment for sunburn?

Since sunburn is a first degree burn you should first cool off the burn under cool water or with an ice pack. Then you can apply burn gel or aloe.

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yes a lizard can get sun burn

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Sun Burn itch is when you have a sunburn and it starts to itch badly.

What kind of make up can hide a sun burn?

It is not recomeded to cover a sunburn with makeup,it needs to be treated.

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Sun burn

How do you heal blistering sunburn?

I have sunburn an cant really move my neck, it is that sore, i have been web surfing and it appears that if you make tea, let it cool and dab it on your sunburn it helps draw something away therefore healing it. to stop the burn/stinging i suggest getting a wet flannel and placing it on your sunburn, creams/lotions and pain relieve such as panadol or nurafon. also eating tomatos helps your pigment or something build therefore reducing how badly you burn. good luck