Yes, you can have HPV for years without knowing. Diagnosis with HPV does not give you any information about when you were infected.
HPV infections rise sharply in the mid teens. Most HPV infections do not cause any symptoms so it is possible to be infected by HPV and not know about it.
It is most responsible to disclose an HPV infection. Know that most people contract their first HPV infection shortly after the first sexual contact. It is unlikely that your partner does not also have HPV.
A person can have HPV for many years before it is found or causes health problems. So there is no way to know if your partner gave you HPV, or if you gave HPV to your partner. HPV should not be seen as a sign that you or your partner is having sex outside of your relationship.
You can do HPV genotyping to know high risk and low risk type of HPV.
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Human Papilloma virus has been around for longer than we have known about viruses. No one knows where it originated.
Sure you can. There are numerous strains of HPV. The Gardasil will help with 4 of them. Even if you know that you're currently infected with one of the 4 strains in the Gardasil vaccine, it can still help you with the other 3.
You can not get HPV from centipedes.
HPV is not in your blood.
No, once you get HPV you have it forever. You get HPV from intercourse or other skin-to-skin contact. HPV has nothing to do with smoking.
HPV is short for Human Papilloma Virus. In that sense, HPV is the nickname.