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If you have a miscarriage usually your doctor or local ER will perform a d&c to remove whatever is left. you need one or you can get a bad infection which can lead to infertility

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Q: How do you know you are done with a miscarriage at 7 weeks?
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If had a miscarriage 7 weeks ago at 7 weeks pregnant but you still feel the same am bloated constantly could you still be pregnant?

If the doctor examined you after the miscarriage you are not pregnant anymore. He would've caught it. It takes several weeks for the hormones to settle so that might be it or you are pregnant again.

When can i expect a period after having a miscarriage?

I miscarried at 7 weeks and my period came around 33 day later.

How soon after a miscarriage should you expect your period i lost the baby October 1. still havent gottin it?

Your period should return within 4-6 weeks for a miscarriage or D&C, but in some cases it can last longer (7-9 weeks) periods should return within 6 weeks.

Can a kidney infection cause a miscarriage?

I went to A&E with a bad kidney infection, were they told me i was about 7 weeks pregnant, which I had no idea about! about 3 weeks later I had a miscarriage, I saw my kidney doctor yesterday and he said that there is a chance it could have caused it but assured me the antibiotics I was on were safe, he said the more likely answer is I had a raised temperature so this could have factored in the miscarriage.

Is brown spotting and a strong ordor normal at seven weeks of pregnancy?

spotting during 7 weeks is normal but it shouldn't be with foul ordor. consult your obgyn/doctor to check for infections. 7 weeks is important not to have any serious infectons that could cause miscarriage.

At 6 weeks pregnant i had a natural miscarriage and bled for 7 days bleeding started April 6th i had unprotected sex on April 18th19th 20th and 26th could i have conceived this soon after miscarriage?

Yes you could have.

Does disappearance of breast tenderness at 7 weeks suggest an impending miscarriage. Had no sickness in last successful pregnancy so breasts were the only symptom?

no breast tenderness has nothing to do with with miscarriage---not all women gets pregnancy symptoms---

Is their still hope if no embryo was present in ultrasound at 6 weeks?

yes! i went in for an ultrasound and thought i was 7 weeks and having a miscarriage. The ultrasound showed no embryo only a yoke sac. I went to my regular doctor the next week and it was there and i was 7 weeks on that day. so just wait it out!

Can I be pregnant after having a miscarriage 3 weeks ago?

Yes you could be pregnant again. I had a miscarriage July 19 (with a D&C) and was pregnant two to three weeks later with no period cycle in between. I am now 7 weeks and 4 days. Take a test it is the only way you will will know. And if it is negative wait a few days and take another one. My first test was on Sunday, it was negative, second test the following Thursday, it was positive.

At 7 weeks no heartbeat detected?

At 7 weeks of pregnancy, the heartbeat can usually be detected using an ultrasound. If no heartbeat is detected, it could indicate a possible miscarriage or a miscalculation of the gestational age. It's important to follow up with your healthcare provider for further evaluation and guidance.

When I was 6 weeks along with 1st baby the doctor heard a heartbeat. Now at 7 weeks he says there is no heartbeat and it is probably a miscarriage. There is no blood and no pain?

When you have a miscarriage it can be like that. The embryo just dies and wont come out and you have no symptoms. To get it out you will either be given medication to start cramps or they will give you a D&C and scrape the uterus.

Will zzzquill cause a miscarriage at 7 weeks?

No, but be careful to follow directions and only use it for as long as necessary. It might be better to use a nasal spray for congestion.