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UA or U/A is the abbreviation for Uric acid blood test.

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Q: How do you know which abbreviation on a blood test is for uric acid or gout?
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Related questions

Can you take folic acid if you have gout?

Apparently there is a school of thought that thinks taking folic acid is good for gout. Got to the associated link (What Everyone Should Know About Folic Acid And Gout)

How can you know you have a high uric acid?

There are blood test available to ascertain this. Gout is a disease that can be the result of high uric acid concentrations in the blood. however gout is also often misdiagnosed with the cause of certain joint pains being the result of other rheumatic conditions.

Do pecans affect gout?

Almonds are a good food to eat as a snack when you have gout. It is one of the few nuts that is ok to eat. It is low in purines and is alkaline forming. It is believed by many that a high alkaline diet will help reduce uric acid in the blood.

Little toe injury initially and not healing due to one reason or the other can you know that it has turned into gout or not?

Gout is the result of the body having too much uric acid in the blood stream. It does not come as the result of an injury.

Is squid high in uric acid?

i dont know. yes. i think it is high in uric acid.

What does the medical abbreviation ASA mean?

ASA stands for "aspirin".Acetylsalicylic acid or aspirinHas a few know acronyms but one is the abbreviation on a medication that indicates it contains acetylsalicylic acid

What do you have to do if you have gout?

You get gout by having too much uric acid flowing through your system. If your kidney's don't dispose enough of it, they turn into crystals and start attacking your joints. This is more commonly known as gout attacks. To find out more about gout and how to treat it, visit this site They have tips and advice on how to treat gout. Very rich foods can cause gout...did you know Ben Franklin had gout during the constitutional convention?

What is a high level of uric acid?

High uric acid in your system can lead to crystals forming in your tissues. It could lead to kidney stones and, gout etc. Gout is called the rich man's disease because it usually happens when one eats lots of meat among other things. Check out the Mayo Clinic's site:

How do you know that uric acid is in the human body?

By running a blood test.

Why orange juice does not create acid blood?

i dont know but then i could do

What can an acid phosphatase test determine?

measures the amount of acid phosphatase in a person's blood, and can determine from what tissue the enzyme is coming. For example, it is important to know if the increased acid phosphatase is from the prostate or red blood cells

Can you get Gout in your knees?

Yes. Absolutely no. It is impossible to get gout in your thigh. Gout is an accumulation of uric acid crystals in joints. Your thigh is the area between your hip and knee and is not a joint there fore it can not get gout.