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The only way to tell whether a gasket has asbestos or not is to have it sampled by a qualified person and analysed in a qualified laboratory.

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Q: How do you know the sheet gasket is asbestos or non asbestos if not have imprinting?
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What company new about asbestos in 1930?

I don't know what company knew about asbestos. But I now know who doesn't know how to spell "knew."

What is the purpose of asbestos testing?

I don't know what asbestos testing is. Can somebody tell me more about it?

Who can test my house for asbestos?

If you're wanting someone to come test for asbestos, I would suggest going to There they tell you everything you need to know about asbestos and where you can locate a laboratory to test for it.

How do you know if asbestos is in your vinyl?

To find out if asbestos is in your vinyl, have a small sample collected and analyzed by a qualified laboratory.

How can you tell if corrugated sheet is asbestos?

The only way to tell for certain whether a corrugated paper or concrete material contains asbestos is to have a small sample analyzed by a qualified lab. However, if you know something about the history of the material (when it was manufactured, what company made it, when it was applied and for what purpose) you may be able to make some useful guesses.

Does cement board contain asbestos?

Older cement board may contain asbestos, and then it is properly called "asbestos cement board." Cement board more recently manufactured should not contain asbestos. The only way to know whether a particular cement board does or does not contain asbestos is to ask the manufacturer (if you know who made it) or have a sample collected from it by a qualified sampling technician and have the sample analyzed by a qualified laboratory.

How can you tell if you have cool deck and does cool deck contain asbestos?

The only way to know if a building material contains asbestos is to have it tested.

How do you install a new gasket seal?

we need to know which gasket your talking about. Gasket in a condesate pump

How do you know if material at your facility contains asbestos?

You get an expert to come in an test for it.

How can you tell if cement siding has asbestos?

Asbestos cement siding is typically installed in structures built before the 1980s. To determine if cement siding contains asbestos, you can have it tested by a professional asbestos abatement company. They can collect samples and conduct laboratory tests to confirm the presence of asbestos fibers in the material.

What is an example of Verbal Irony in Ads?

Irony is the opposite of its literal meaning. An example of an ironic ad is the ad for asbestos in 1981. It says "When life depends on it, you use asbestos". As we all know asbestos causes cancer so that is pretty ironic.

Is there asbestos in horsehair plasterboard?

No. Horsehair was replaced as a strengthening additive in plaster by asbestos. Where one was used the other was not needed. However, the only way to know for certain whether asbestos was used in a plaster is to have a piece of it analyzed in a lab by a qualified technician.