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Q: How do you know that brown treated other cub pilots the same way he treated twain?
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How do you know that Brown treated other cub pilots the same way he treated Twain in cub pilot on the Mississippi?

We know this because Brown's behavior and treatment towards Twain was indicative of how he interacted with other cub pilots. Twain's observations of Brown's actions and interactions with others on the Mississippi River would have provided insight into the consistent pattern of behavior that Brown exhibited towards all cub pilots under his supervision.

What does the captain do when he learns that Twain attacked Brown?

He tells Twain to attack Brown again when they are on shore.

Is Brown treatment of Twain the result of a personal dislike for him or an overall attitude?

The Captain seemed to think that Brown treated everyone the same way.

What is the external conflict in cub pilot on the Mississippi?

the external conflict is the struggle btween brown and twain ,brown is twain's boss. so twain cannot answer back . But brown is cruel to twain and tries his patience

What is the captain's reaction to twain beating brown?

He congrats him

What is Mark Twain hair color?

Mark Twain's hair color is red, although it does not show up in black and white pictures.

Why did brown examine Twain's shoes so carefully?

Brown examined Twain's shoes carefully to confirm that they matched footprints found at the crime scene, indicating Twain's presence. This was a common forensic technique used to establish a suspect's connection to a specific location.

What is the resolution between twain and brown?

Twain and Brown resolved their conflict by sitting down and talking through their differences. They listened to each other's perspectives, found common ground, and came to a mutual understanding. Through open communication and compromise, they were able to reach a resolution and maintain a positive relationship.

Why is twain afraid to take action against brown?

Twain is afraid to take action against Brown because he lacks courage and is unsure of the consequences. He may fear retaliation or escalating the situation. Twain's lack of confidence and fear of conflict could also be factors contributing to his reluctance to take action against Brown.

Why is browns treatment of twain unfair?

brown is there to give advice when twain does something wrong. he also should have patience with him and explain how things are done since he is a cub pilot. brown is there to show him not criticize him.

Why does twain dislike brown in cub pilot on the Mississippi?

Because brown was very mean to him.

What singular ambition did all the boys have in town where Mark Twain grew up?

To be steamboatmen