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Q: How do you know if you have an infection from sex after miscarriage and dnc?
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8 days after a miscarriage is it fine to have protected sex?

You should wait one month due to the higher risk of infection since your cervix is still open.

After sex you bleed alot but didnt see any tissues was that a miscarriage?

Depends - are you pregnant? If so how far along are you?I'd go see a doctor, only way to know for sure (and prevent any possible complications).But no, sex generally can't cause a miscarriage.

If you didn't know you was passing through a miscarriage cause it was your first and you was having an unsafe sex could you get pregnant from that?

I don't think so but try safe sex! Less trouble!!

Could having a bladder infection be a problem in getting pregnant?

Not really, except that you may want to postpone sex until the infection clears due to bladder spasms. Early pregnancy can mimic a bladder infection with frequent urination, a "crampy" feeling and nausea. A kidney infection during pregnancy can cause miscarriage, if it is not treated quickly.

Can you have a miscarriage a week after having unprottected sexual intercoarse?

You can have a miscarriage at any time but rarely sex is the reason unless you have a very sensitive pregnancy and the doctor have told you to not have sex.

You have just had heavy bleeding unexpectadly and know it is not a period could this be miscarriage although i did not know i was pregnant?

yes and no some times your stomach makes a baby sack in your stomach and there is no baby in it and than yoursystem cleans it out and sometimes it can be a miscarriage. PS did you have sex with or with out a condom cuz that can be a cause ,too

You had a miscarriage and a dnc a month ago no period yet started the pill a week ago on Sunday had unprotected sex on monday or Tuesday am the dr says maybe you are pregnant since it didnt have time?

It is possible to fall pregnant on this time line you have suggested. After a miscarriage, I expect a woman to ovulate for the first time between 3-6 weeks after. Therefore if you had a miscarriage a month ago, it is possible you are ready to or have ovulated for the first time. When starting birth control, it is advisable to take "other" precautions for the first seven days. Therefore if you started the birth control Sunday, and had unprotected sex on Monday & Tuesday, you would not have been protected. You may be pregnant again.

Will a urinary track infection burn your wife after sex?

Yes, do not have sex until the infection is cleared up.

What is the quickest way to get pregnant after a miscarriage?

Just to have sex. That simple. You can get pregnant right after.

How come I haven't seen a baby at 10 weeks miscarriage?

like sex

Can a hot bath cause a miscarriage?

No, NO and NO You may have a miscarriage after a hot bath but the bath had absolutely nothing to do with it. While we are at it, gin, horseback riding, sex, heavy lifting and a load of other things do not cause miscarriage either.

Is A man can do miscarriage of an animal due to his discharge in her?

An animal is pregnant and has a miscarriage and you wonder if it's because a human male had sex and ejaculated in her? No I don't think so.