Well the main sign to look out for is if you get your period. If you feel all these symptoms and your period doesn't come on it's due date, then you might want to get a test done. But the big part is the period. Unfortunately the symptoms of pregnancy and menstruation are the same....good luck!
for you to know you have conceived, think about how you know when you are about to get a period. there will be certain changes in your body but unless u understand your body then you will know. am not an expert but i guess this will help you. goodluck
I don't know when you conceived because I don't know when you had sex. Anyhow, if May 12 was your first day of last period then May 12 is your first day. June 12, then, would be 4 weeks pregnant IF you conceived after May 12 & before June 12.
. It was confirmed by my OB-GYN that I had conceived the FIRST DAY of my period. My period was on time and I continued to have a normal, regular flow 6 day period. Hope I helped!!!!
The scan date is from your last period.
Charles Darwin
About 3-4 weeks from your last period if you don't get any in the coming 28 days you are conceived!
50% chance of either.
Yes of course you can... many babies are conceived before a period has even been missed and just stops developing after a few days.
You would have conceived some time in December... You can work out when your period was that will give you some clue to when you conceived
If you conceived on the 17th that's when you became pregnant.
Yes, that is possible. You can still have a period while pregnant, thought it usually looks like spotting or gets lighter. You could have also conceived while on your period. I hope I helped!
Some women have periods during pregnancy but it is uncommon. Best way to know is to take a Early Home pregnancy test.