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If you are not in pain anymore. It does not work in abortion but can cause serious harm to the fetus.

Overdosage with "Cortal ®" can cause delayed labor, liver and heart damage for your baby, and liver damage to you. It does not end pregnancy.

There are rumors that "Cortal ®" will cause miscarriage or end pregnancy. These rumors are untrue.GalaxoSmithKline Limited who makes Cortal® should be aware this and take appropriate measures to counteract this.. GSK

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Q: How do you know if cortal aspirin is effective?
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Is Cortal an effective pain reliever?

Yes it is, Cortal contains aspirin which is an effective pain reliever.

Does cortal 500mg is effective to cause miscarriage?

No, Cortal is Aspirin and does not abort.

What is the used of cortal?

Cortal is basically aspirin and is used for headaches and fevers and mild pain. Neither aspirin or Cortal can be used for abortion.

Can cortal and sprite can help you to remove the baby inside?

Cortal is like Aspirin and you can safely take a aspirin and swallow it down with a soda so no. Cortal can never abort anything.

How many cortal can you take?

Zero. Cortal is Aspirin and can not make you abort.

How do you use cortal to abort?

None. Cortal is like Aspirin which and will not cause abortion. Pregnant women should not use Aspirin because of risk for fetal damage.

Can cortal aspirin kill fetus?

As I've read, taking aspirin is one of the big DON'Ts during pregnancy. It is always best to consult your doctor before taking any meds.

How do you use cortal in aborting baby?

You don't. Cortal is Aspirin and can't be used for abortion.

Cortal dosage can affect the fetus?

Cortal is Aspirin and can cause fetal damage but not abort.

What can cortal cause?

Cortal is Aspirin so it makes fever and headaches go away.

Can cortal melt an embryo?

No, Cortal is Aspirin and can not make you abort.There is however risk for fetal damage so pregnant women should not use Aspirin.

Is cortal really effective?

No Cortal is like aspirin. It does not work as a contraceptive or for abortion. Cortal contains acetylsalicylic acid 500 mg, caffeine 30 mg (aspirin and caffeine). Overdose of Cortal can cause delayed labor, liver and heart damage for your baby, and liver damage to you. It does not cause miscarriages or end pregnancy.