Symptoms are mostly caused by the body's reaction to the cold virus, which triggers the release of chemicals that make the blood vessels leaky and send the mucous glands into overtime. As a result, the nasal passages become swollen and choked with secretions. Cold symptoms reach their peak after 36 to 72 hours and include: * Dry, scratchy sore throat (usually the first sign of a cold) * Runny nose and sneezing * Hoarse voice * Blocked, snuffly nose * Cough * Mild headache * Mild fever * Generally feeling unwell or muzzy headed
Symptoms should start to improve after three days and be gone after about seven days (but they may persist for up to two weeks). As many as one in four people with a cold doesn't develop any symptoms, possibly because their immune system doesn't react to the virus in the usual way. It's easy to confuse a cold with flu, but in general flu is more severe and produces a higher fever (above 38oC) and more generalised symptoms throughout the body such as aching muscles, lethargy, shivers, nausea and vomiting.
No person has ever been there so we do not know. What we do know is that the gravity is less, the air is not breathable and is very thin and that it is very cold.
a person could catch A cold again because their immune system is weak but the WON'T catch the same cold again because their anti-bodies will have killed the infection and will know that it is the same germ again and kill it.
When a horse gets a 'cold' it's not the same as when a person does. You didn't mention how long this cold has gone on. To me, this sounds like something you may want to talk to your vet about. If you know how, take his temperature before you call, the vet will want to know. Then the two of you can decide if it warrents a visit.
Eating unhealthy food will not cause you to get a cold. Viruses cause people to get a cold.
The common cold is caused by a virus passed from person to person. This rhinovirus is the virus that causes the common cold.
If as a result of the cold a person has breathing dificultys yes.
Did you know when you drink hot liquids, it makes a person feel more generous, and trusting.
Eating unhealthy food cannot make you or anyone feel cold
You won't get cold sores from kissing a dead person.
I dont know, maybe BECAUSE THEY ARE COLD!
Cold medicines are not bad for a person if they need to take them. If a person is not sick, then the medicines are potentially harmful.
the person in charge of cold foods preparation and preservation?