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Q: How do you institutionalize a mentally incompetent person?
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How does a mentally incompetent person prepare a Last Will and Testament?

If a person is mentally incompetent, then they can't unless they have a lawyer to help them

Can a person with bipolar own a gun?

If they have been adjudged mentally incompetent, no.

Who is disqualified from voting in Missouri?

A person mentally incompetent is disqualified from voting in Missouri.

Louisiana your husband had a stroke and his kids are trying to get power of attorney?

If the husband has become mentally incompetent as a result of the stroke, he would not be considered mentally competent to grant a power of attorney to anyone. A power of attorney that is granted during the time of one's incompetency would generally not be considered valid. If a person is mentally incompetent, an interested person could generally petition a probate court (in the county in which the mentally incompetent person resides) to have a guardian of the person and the property appointed.

How do you declare someone mentally incompetent in the state of Illinois?

A person in Illinois has to be declared incompetent through the court system. Bring pictures, dated notes and video, along with medical records and police reports, to present to the court when the incompetence proceedings begin. If the adult is found incompetent, a guardian will be appointed. The guardian has the power to make legal decisions for the person.

How do you have your sister declared incompetent when she is addicted to drugs and you think she is medically and mentally Ill?

It is hard to get another person declared incompetent. Drug addiction is a personal choice, and so long as she is not trying to commit suicide, doctors will not consider that a sign of incompetence. If she is mentally ill to the point where she is demented, then you could have her declared incompetent.

Does a mentally disabled person have to testify in court?

Generally speaking anyone can be asked to testify. Though someone can be ruled as medically or mentally unable or incompetent to testify.

Can an incompetent person file bankruptcy?

Presuming you mean mentally incompetent...which would need to be determined legally...that prson would then have whoever was appointed t administer their affairs file for them on their behalf.

When can a Guardian be entitled to act on behalf of another person?

Usually, a guardian is appointed when the person is a minor or the adult is incompetent, unable to mentally handle their affairs.

What is mentally incompetent?

Mental incompetence is the inability of a person to make or carry out important decisions regarding his or her affairs. An individual is defined as mentally incompetent if he/she is manifestly psychotic or otherwise of unsound mind, either consistently or sporadically, by reason of mental defect. Few examples of such mental defect are retardation, schizophrenia, and dementia. Only a court may declare someone mentally incompetent, after a judicial hearing and testimony from competent medical authority.

Can PTSD vets own firearms?

Depends. There are Very different degrees of PTSD. If a person has been adjudicated as mentally incompetent, they cannot. Most vets with PTSD are very mentally competent.

How do you declare someone mentally incompetent in miss?

To declare someone mentally incompetent in Mississippi, a petition must be filed with the chancery court alleging the individual's incapacity. The court will appoint a committee of three individuals to evaluate the person's mental capacity. If the committee determines the person is incompetent, the court may appoint a guardian or conservator to make decisions on their behalf.