Low white blood cell counts can be caused by a variety of factors, so get it checked out by your doctor. If, for example, you are receiving chemotherapy, your doctor can use drugs such as Neulasta to increase WBC counts. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables (however, if your white blood cell counts are lower than 1 k/ul, check with your Doctor Who may recommend avoiding raw foods). Get plenty of rest. Some extra vitamin C, zinc, and beta-carotene may be helpful, but don't overdo it with the supplements, as this may be dangerous. (i.e. too much Airborne could give you dangerous levels of vitamin A). If your white blood cell counts are low, avoid people who are sick, wash your hands often, use good hygiene, and call your doctor if you experience any signs of infection. BE HAPPY!! Your mood helps on how your body fights off infections, the happier you are the more likely you are to fight off infections, which increases your white blood count.
After a whole year of visits to the hematologist and limited increase in WBC, it is safe to say in the words of my hematologist. "There is no medical remedy."
Some things you can do and see if there is improvement:
- It is recommended to eat well. Brocolli, spinach, yogurt, beans, grains, lentils, etc.
(If you can tolerate it, but should, most of youreveryday meals should have a large quantity of vegetables.)
- Sleep well. Your immune system can is prone to become strained and weak with lack of sleep.
- Reduce stress. And more effectively, exercise, it releases endorphins and releases stress well. It was recommended to me by my school's social worker and psychology teacher.
- Green tea also seems to have positive effects, along with the normal consumption of water.
These are things I had researched, and asked my hematologist about. And had raised my WBC count. I had spent a year with a 2.5 WBC and 3 weeks after I started this little regime, it went up to a 3.0.
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Diseases including liver and kidney disease increase the white blood cells in cats. A high white blood count can indicate a serious problem.
Chickenpox is likely to increase the white blood count in a full blood count.
An infection would increase a person's white blood cell count.
Yes. Your white blood cell count will usually increase in such bad cough.
Factors that can increase white blood cell count include infections, inflammation, stress, smoking, and certain medication reactions. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider if you are concerned about elevated white blood cell count.
Yes. The infection from infected teeth can affect your whole body. Your infected teeth can even affect your heart and cause your death. The high white blood count could be the least of your worries.
An abnormally high white blood cell count is known as leukocytosis. The opposite is leukocytopenia.
No, increased white blood cell count indicates the body is fighting some form of infection. Pepitas are high in anitoxidents and healthy oils but they don't effect your white count.
Your white blood cell count increases when they are fighting against infectious diseases or foreign material.Neupogon Shots, which is a medicine. You need to get prescribed by a docter.
In leukocytosis, the white blood cell count is above the normal range in blood. This is usually accompanied by an increase in immature white blood cells.
The blood cell count of urine may increase if:there is kidney diseasethere is irritation or cancer in the bladderthere is hypertension (chronically high blood pressure)a male has recently engaged in masturbation
Infection is one possible reason for an abnormal increase in the number of WBC's (white blood cells).