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Gently remind the patient that he or she is responsible for his or her own destiny, not a doctor, not the unfairness of life, not the pharmaceutical companies. We each have choices and free will. If we chose to eat well and live reasonably actively we will find a balance that is healthy. Choosing to find someone or thing to blame exacerbates the imbalance that has led us to this condition. There is no such thing as fault here, or blame or guilt, only the acceptance of responsibility.

Good Luck and Good Living to all.

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Q: How do you improve caloric intake in a patient with COPD?
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intermittent temperature according to the condition

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2 liters per minute

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88 to 93 o2

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Some of the treatments for COPD are simply lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking. Often patients are prescribed inhalers and steroids to improve lung function as well.

What are treatments for COPD?

Some of the treatments for COPD are simply lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking. Often patients are prescribed inhalers and steroids to improve lung function as well.

If a patient has COPD would their blood pH be acidic or basic?

acidic due to build up of co2