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If they are flesh colored it is probably the same as what I have. I have found that it may be where skin does not flake off properly but rather gets stuck in open pores. I have yet to find anything that helps and I have had it for as long as I can remember. My advice is go to a dermatologist or your regular doctor and see if they can find out what it is for sure.

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Q: How do you get rid of small bumps on your forehead that itch a little bit and are not pus-filled and they're not white heads?
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Heat bumps.

Forehead bumps due to injury?

Bumps happen when you get hurt. The bump is just swelling.

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He has chicken pox.No, he doesn't, but take him to the vet.

What are small colorless bumps on forehead of adults that reappear after you scrape them off and are sensitive to the touch?

skin cancer

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Because it is cold and has goose bumps!

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Hitting your little brother over the forehead with a lamp

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a crayfish body is smooth. only its tail has little bumps

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A crayfish's body is smooth. Only it's tail has a little bumps.

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The little bumps are called moguls.

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A little nose that has no bumps

What are the bumps on a koi fish head?

Koi do not specifically have "bumps" on their heads that I am aware of. Please describe these bumps. if its the bumps im thinking of its like a fore head they have like a little frown