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Most acne is caused by repressed anger. Try punching a punching bag agressively, hammering nails into a piece of wood, chopping logs, or anything that involves hitting or kicking with your hands or feet, even hitting Golf balls.

Source Maximum Achievement by Brian Tracy

submitted by Jason Schade CEO of ConnectGO internet Inc.

you can also reduce the size of a pimple with ice if u see a small pimple then before it can get bigger put some ice on it

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16y ago

Simple go to a local CVS and buy a pimple popper and pop the pimples than clean off the area with soap and water. :)

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15y ago

eating healthy and excersizing. ohh, and it's always good to bathe quite often. k byee

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Q: How do you get rid of pimples without cream or popping them?
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how do i get rid of pimples with out poping them?

I don't think there is a way to physically get rid of a pimple without popping it unless you have acne cream, but you can always use makeup to cover it up, just make sure it is the same color as your skin or it will be obvious. lol

How do you get rid of pimples without toothpaste?

You could go to a dermatologist or use a face mask, cleansing pads, cream, etc.

How can you get rid of pimples without makeup?

Joe Williams

Does peanut butter cause zits?

It has been scientifically shown that peanut butter does not help get rid of pimples. To get rid of pimples, use pimple cream.

How do you get rid of pimples in The Sims 2?

First, buy a mirror. Second, click on the mirror as the sim that has pimples, then select, 'apply zit cream'. Do that as often as possible, and the pimples should be gone in just a matter of days.

How could a person get information on how to get rid of a giant zit?

Zits and pimples are caused by blockages of glands. Instead of popping them it is best to wash one's hands and face and pat dry with a clean towel. Apply an acne treatment to the zit and moisturize the area with a topical cream.

Does triple antibiotic cream remove pimples?

Probably not.The oily cream may clog pores.But if in moderation can rid your skin of scars.

My friend who is 30 years of age is suffering with pimples on her face Which cream would best suit to get rid of her pimples?

One who faces increased number of pimples on face must avoid taking fatty foods. The best solution would be to use a skin care cream which does not contain much chemical substances in it.

What are some effective ways to get rid of pimples and spots?

There are many effective ways to get rid of pimples and spots without visiting a dermatologist. These include using ice, toothpaste and lemon juice on the affected area.

How can you get rid of a lot of pimples in 5 minutes without product?

i really don't think that possible

How can you get rid of zits and pimples fast without a treatment?

tons of toothpaste! bottles of it, believe me, it helps. put globs of it on, and don't use the cream that doctors give u. SOURCE: my uncle and aunt are doctors i use vichy!

Does shampoo get rid of pimples?

no, it does not.