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I am not clinically diagnosed with either, but I would classify myself as marginally both. The idea of being on a submarine is terrifying for me because of the claustrophobia aspect, but on the opposite end of the spectrum, I hate the idea of standing in an open field because it feels too exposed.

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14y ago
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14y ago

its when you are afraid of small spaces and cant breath in that space.


The fear of being in an enclosed space. Like an elevator or a closet. You might feel like you will die or like you can't breathe when in a small space.

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9y ago

It is proven to scientists that to get rid of claustrophobia is to face the fear yourself -- go into a small space you're uncomfortable in, if you can't breathe, you have to calm down gently. Keep on staying in that small space until you feel used to it -- then you're free!

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The problem with this approach is that people who are afraid will not face their fears.

I help people with phobias. It is not the closed space that makes you scared but yourself thinking about it! I suppose you get scared of being in a closed space even without you being inside a closed space?!

You need to pay attention to the pictures in your head and what you imagine. These pictures and voices in your head is what makes you scared. In your head you can push these pictures away, remove the colour and sounds. Imagine you are erasing them in your head. This will make it feel at least slightly better.

A hypnotherapist should be able to help you in one or two sessions


Read more: What_self_help_is_there_for_claustrophobia

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14y ago

just do not fear and face the problems coming in your path with full courage, leaving behind the past sad memories of yours.

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13y ago


My wife died from a panic attack during an MRI.

She stopped breathing.

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Only if you're "OPEN" about it.

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The suffix for "claustrophobia" is "-phobia," which means an irrational fear of something.

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You need lots of windows in your house if you have claustrophobia.A dark closet would make a person with claustrophobia crazy.When I went into the mine, I discovered that I had claustrophobia.

Fear of confined spaces is called?

We use the term claustrophobia for the fear of confined spaces. A link can be found below.

What phobia is the fear of closed space or being locked in an enclosed space?

Claustrophobia (from claustrum "a shut in place")

At what age can you be diagnosed claustrophobic?

People can be diagnosed with claustrophobia at any age. Usually people get claustrophobia when they are young.

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