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You may have a food sensitivity that is causing the bloating. You can get tested for this by a doctor or just try cutting out different foods till you find what it is. I used to get bloated all the time but have found cutting down on foods like pasta and bread have helped aswell as not eating Indians as they used to make my belly go huge even from a little bit. I also drink a probiotic yoghurt drink each day which balances the bacteria in your gut and haven't been bloated since.

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Q: How do you get rid of bad bloating which causes you to look like you have a really big stomach which shows a lot because you have an otherwise slim figure?
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This would depend on if the bloating was due to internal gas or water. In a case of internal gas when pressure inside the stomach causes the deceased's stomach to swell up, a mortician or funeral director, will relieve the body of the stress by making an incision into the stomach to release the case. This is normally achieved, by incision three finger lengths down from the middle of the breast bone. In the case of bloating by water, other than remove excess water from the deceased, there is not much more that can be done apart from embalming, were the visual affects of bloating are slightly decreased.

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What are some causes for abdominal bloating?

Abdominal bloating is frequently caused by constipation, gas, or indigestion. Depending on additional symptoms, there are many other causes, so it might be best to check out all symptoms in the symptom checker at