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Well, I have always had terrible allergys. There arn't many ways to cure allergys without medicine. From experience, I take a hot shower.... and blow my nose alot.

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Q: How do you get rid of allergies without medicine?
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How do you get rid of your allergies?

you cannot technically "get rid" of allergies but you can obtain medication that masks them. there are things you can take or shots you can have on a regular basis that keep them at bay.

How do you heal your summer allergies?

To heal your summer allergies you can take some allergy medicine.

Is Claritin an upper respiratory medicine?

it is for allergies....

How do you get rid of fat without medicine?

You could try exercising. :) For example: Go to the gym. (and actually exercise.)

How do you get rid of 10 pounds in a week without taking medicine?

Eat fruits and vedgatables only no greaseor you will get fat!!!!

Is alternative medicine safe for people who have allergies to regular medicine?

Alternative medicine is usually ideal for people with allergies to traditional medicine. However, it is important to be familiar with your own body. Check the ingredients on any herbal supplements, and get a doctor's opinion before beginning a new regimen.

How does traditional Chinese medicine treat allergies?

Traditional Chinese medicine treats allergic rhinitis with various species.

Ebast is a medicine?

HI Ebast is medicine given to combat allergies by doctor. It doesnt have side effects. goldie

Can you give a dog zerteck?

I wouldn't without consulting a vet first. Walmart does sell allergy medicine for pets which worked for my cat when he was suffering from allergies. I would imagine that Pet stores like Petsmart carry allergy medicine also.

What medicines that can get rid of skin allergies?

try benydrel it works really well