The most effective and safest way to get rid of a planters wort is by going to your doctor and getting treatment on them. If you try to get them to go away yourself, you may cause them to spread and that would be even worse. There are many different ways to have them treated; I just recently went to the doctor's about some Planters worts I had and the treatment my doctor used on me was liquid nitrogen. It shocked the root and froze it. It hurt a little, much like a bee sting, but is a small price to pay if you want them gone. Depending on how big they are, you may have to go back a couple of times till they disappear completly. The areas where you had the treatment done (well for liquid nitrogen anyways) will hurt for a few days after and will swell and be a pinky/purply color. Avoid direct contact with warts and if other parts of your skin touch them, wash hands immediately after to avoid spreading.
Go to the doctor.
Other planters
Yes, hoever you may need to riddle it to get rid of old roots and refresh it by adding some general purpose compost.
Carolina planters mostly associated with other planters.
You go to the doctor.
Planters was created in 1906.
Wort Hotel was created in 1941.
planters in the South
other planters
Depending on the context, the English word wortcan be translated as:Kraut - St John's wort - GottesgnadenkrautWürze - beer wort - BierwürzeThe German word Wort means word
Yes it is the liquid extracted from the mashing process during brewing of beer or whisky. There are also Wort plants such as LungWort, St John's wort and Bains Wort to name a few
Someone keeps stealing my planters.The flowers in the planters seem to be blooming well.