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Hypnotherapy helps to reprogram your subconscious "programs" that may be part of your fear. When these programs are "de-bugged" the symptoms of Frog Phobia often are minimized. However, some people don't like the feeling of loss of control in allowing someone else to play with their personal "software". Hypnotherapy does appear to be effective in many cases. Often only one or two sessions are needed. Hypnotherapy is safe and works fast. There are also other options for overcoming a phobia. Immersion is one of them. The aim of this procedure is to overload the mind with the stimulus to the point that exposure to that level again is impossible and therefore normal exposure is not frightening. Read as: You will be locked in a small room filled with frogs and no amount of shouting, screaming or throwing yourself against the walls will get you let out. This procedure is invasive and frightening, and therefore not popular. Volunteering to be locked in a room with something you are terrified of is not a very pleasant prospect. It is often used only when the phobia is interfering with somebody's life, ie refusing to leave the house for fear of encountering a frog. Another option is gradual exposure. At first you might be asked to look at pictures of frogs, then to touch them. Eventually this might progress, over days or even weeks, to being in the same room as a frog, standing next to somebody holding a frog, touching a frog and eventually handling a frog. There are also ways to manage a phobia without actually overcoming it - asking somebody to remove all the frogs from your house and yard, and trying to avoid being in places that frogs frequent. If you choose this option, please have the frogs relocated instead of killing them. They don't deserve to die because you don't like them.

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Q: How do you get rid of a frog phobia?
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you would have to remove the frog immidiatly from the area.

What do you call the Phobia for a frog?

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What is a 10 letter word for frog fear?

Ranidaphobia is fear of frogs (12 letters).Batrachophobia is another word (14 letters).Frog phobia is also used (10 letters, but two words).

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