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Yuck! Those are the nastiest creatures. Okay well, you have to wash everything and dry everything you possibly can. You have to dry the items so they are dry and not damp. The heat from the dryer is what actually kills the lice. So don't skimp on the drying time. When I say you have to wash and dry everything. I mean everything. That includes the pillows, stuffed animals, clothing on the floor, bedding, anything that has the possibility of coming into contact with the lice. You have to make sure that the lice and its eggs are out of the person's head. Washing with the lice shampoo and picking out the nits isn't good enough. You have to follow that 2nd treatment and make sure you get every single nit out. and when you do get a nit out don't just throw the nit on the floor. Flush it down the toilet and wash your hands. Now, for the stuff that you can't wash. There is the spray for lice you can use around the house and on the bedding. But those cans can be real expensive after a while. So I would save those for the bedding. And make sure you get the entire bed, not just the top. You have to get the sides too. These are insects that crawl. So don't think they're going to stay in one place. If you happen to have a rug cleaner especially one that has a steamer on it, that is an excellent way to clean the carpet and furniture. The heat from the steam will help kill the lice. Also you can take insecticide and spray it on the carpeting or bug bombs, but that's going to the extreme. You also have to make sure you do your vehicle and the seats too. As long as you know that you need to wash and dry everything and spray the bedding and the carseats and interior and do the lice and nit check and cleaning on the head of the person, your lice infestation should go away.

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13y ago
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14y ago

You will have to use a special shampoo made for head lice on everyone in the household to kill the lice. If the shampoo doesn't specifically state on the label that it also kills the nits (eggs of lice), you may need to use a special nit comb, which is a comb that removes the eggs of the lice. Otherwise, the eggs may hatch a few days later and cause a re-infestation.

You will also have to wash ALL bedding in very hot water, and dry in a hot clothes dryer or hang on a clothesline in bright, hot sun. Also, any clothing which has been recently worn will need to be laundered.

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15y ago

All you do is get a bug spray and spray the so called "lice" which lives in your so called "house"

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14y ago

You can't kill lice with a home product, you need to buy the kit and treat for it thoroughly.

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If you have lice anything you have been around can have lice or you will get them again. You have to clean the house.

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I dont know my whole house has lice even me sorry i cant answer your question.

Where do you get lice?

you can get it from anyone who has head lice or places like hotels , movie theater's friends house ( sharing bows brushes) pretty much anywhere you put your head where someone has head lice.

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Depends whether you use same pillows/pillowcases, or come into contact with their head or anything that touched their head...

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Fire!!! they have spray you can buy for your sofas an beds

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* lice is a bug. it Travers from one head to a other head but you still keep it in tell you pick ever single one out of your hair. * but you can not get it in you moms belly if that is what you mean.

How long do you need to stay off of a bed after spraying it for head lice?

You can stay near them but don't put your head near them and maybe warn them that you have them and this is until all head lice are gone.

What kind of food is eaten by lice?

Housefly's are scavengers so they eat the left over scraps that are in the house.

Can you use gas oil and kill grass lice?

well yes but make sure u have a house

How do you get Headlice?

You can get head lice in lots of ways like...when you are sleeping in someones tent it might have head lice, if your sleeping round someones house you can get head lice, when your wearing someones clothes they might have head lice in them. Now the final answer well maby 2 ways of it, you can get head lice if you don't wash your self for ages or is you don't wash your self propely. Soo there are lots of ways you can get head lice. Remember Be Carfull! :) Oh and by the way even when some one looks like a clean person well you never know they still might have head lice.

What is the term meaning an infestation of body lice is?

Pediculosis this is an infestation of lice whether it be body lice, pubic lice or head lice.

Is Louse plural or singular?

"Louse" is singular, and the plural form is "lice."