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You get the Flu be generally being with people that are infected. You can also get them by being in a unclean atmosphere or house/bulding.

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Q: How do you get exposed to the flu?
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What if you have been exposed and did not have a flu shot?

You may get the flu. Next year get the flu vaccination.

Who gets the Swine Flu?

Most people who are not vaccinated against the swine flu or who have not had the swine flu will get it if exposed to it. Those who have had the vaccines will be immune.

If you are exposed to the Swine Flu can you still get it?


If you are around a person who is not exhibiting flu symptoms but comes down with the flu a few hours after leaving you are you exposed to the flu?


What sentence can you make with the word flu?

I caught the flu after being exposed to someone who was sick.

When do you get the flu?

Usually during the flu season, but not exclusively. For example the H1N1/09 pandemic began in spring 2009 and continued throughout the next several seasons. You catch the flu when you are exposed to the flu viruses.

Who can get the virus the flu?

Anyone exposed to the virus can potentially become ill. In addition to humans, many animals have a type of flu they can get, too.

If you have just received the seasonal flu shot and then exposed to Swine Flu are you more compromised to contract the virus?

I don't know what your trying to say but i heard in the news that if you receive the seasonal flu shot,your more likely to get the swine flu.

If you have been exposed to the swine flu- would you be protected from getting it if you got the vaccine now?

no u were already exposed it might help cure

If you were exposed to H1N1 and not contracted it could you still give it to someone else?

yes, this flu is tough.

Can you get Swine Flu?

Yes. You could contract it a second time after having been exposed to it previously.

Will a flu vaccine help after being exposed to it?

Unless you have specific lab tests to identify the exact strain of the flu to which you were exposed, you would be better off to get the shot than assume you don't need the shot and risk getting exposed to it later. A better treatment for prevention of flu after exposure and/or reduction in severity and duration of symptoms, could be Tamiflu. Check with your health care professional if you think you have been exposed, to be most effective, the anti-viral medicines should be taken in the first 40 hours after exposure.