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Diabetes type 2, usually older people get type 2 diabetes.. What happens is that the pancreas slow down (they get tyred) and produce less insulin than the body needs. The person diagnosed needs to have someone help plan a balanced diet and sometimes pills are needed, to help the sugar in the blood stream go to the organs.

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Q: How do you get diabetes 2?
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Type 2 diabetes is also known as Life Style Related Diabetes or NON-INSULIN DEPENDENT DIABETES because it is only treate with oral hypoglycemic agents. Diabetes Mellitus

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Type 2 diabetes is a type of diabetes where the individual is not fully dependent on insulin. A type 1 diabetic requires insulin.

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Insulin is the hormone that is imbalanced in type 2 diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance results in the production of increased, but ineffective, insulin.

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Does Alan Rickman have diabetes?

Sadly, yes. He has Type 2 diabetes.

Can people under twenty have diabetes?

absolutely. There are 2 kinds of diabetes. Type 1 and Type 2.

What is the probability your child will have diabetes if your husband is a type 1 diabetic and your mother had gestational diabetes when she was pregnant with you?

If mother had gestational diabetes when she was pregnant, then chances of having diabetes for a child is low. But gestational mother have more chances to have diabetes type 2. If this happens then the child diabetes risk is increased.If father have type 1 diabetes, then the child has some very low risk of having type 1 diabetes (autoimmune disorder). If father had type 2 diabetes then diabetes risk for the child is higher as compared to the mother with type 2 diabetes.

Will pre-diabetes eventually go to stage 2 diabetes?

Diabetes left unattended will turn very bad.

Types of Diabetes?

There are multiple types of diabetes. Type 1 may also be referred to as jchildhood diabetes. Type 2 is also referred to as adult onset diabetes. The number of children with type 2 is increasing.