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Due dates are very dangerous, I would count you as very lucky. babies are born anywhere between 32 and 52 weeks safely. If a baby is needed to gestate until 52 weeks and you are induced at 42 weeks, before you are ready, you increase the chances of complications in you both as well as an unnecessary cesarean section, forceps or vacuum birth, all of which have had severe complications including death to the mom and baby. Please visit to read about the safety of due dates. This is an easy question to answer. If you fell pregnant on the pill than you would know exactly the last date of your menstrual period. Establish the first date of your last menstrual period, then click on the link below, scroll down a little until you get to a table of dates and follow the appropriate column ie first day of last menstrual period, this will give you your due date and conception date. Keep in mind that some women ovulate later than others so the Due date may be + or - 5 days. Good luck.

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Q: How do you figure out your due date if you got pregnant on the pill?
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You get an ultrasound and have them date the pregnancy that way.

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Your due date is always based off of the first day of your last period, regardless of whether you are on the pill or not. For example, if period was 5/9/06 as day one, your due date would be 2/12/07.

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Ask your doctor or midwife

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You can estimate within a couple of weeks based on when you stopped the pill, and the answer will become clearer as the pregnancy progresses, usually via the ultrasound exam.

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If you start the birth control pill before the last day that you could get Depo on time, you have continuous protection. It's unlikely to get pregnant under those conditions. If you started after the last depo due date, use a backup method for the first seven days of the pill pack.

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An ultrasound

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If you know your due date, the doctor or midwife can probably tell you when (roughly) you got pregnant. Also, there are many online sites that can tell you your conception date if you know your due date

If you got pregnant January 27 when is your due date?

the 3rd of November if u was to get pregnant 2011 in January ok :)

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When you go to the doctor, he will be able to help you figure out when your last period is. They are also able to determine when your due date is by the ultrasound and by feeling around.

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