By consuming it through their mouths and digestive tract.
Feeding too much of any treat such as apples or carrots can cause digestive upset, a horses digestive tract is sensitive.
No. Chicken bones splinter easily. These splinters can cause serous injury to the digestive tract.
No, leeches do not live in the human intestinal tract. They are typically found in freshwater environments, attaching to the skin to feed on blood. Once inside the body, they would not survive the digestive process.
Well, clams filter feed, so I don't think they actually have digestive systems at all. I would imagine, with all the stuff floating in seawater, that they simply absorb nutrients out of the brine they filter through themselves.
Love grass disperses its seeds through animals that feed on the plant, such as birds or mammals. The seeds pass through the digestive system of the animal and are then deposited in a new location through their droppings.
The small intestine is a part of the digestive tract, and is the next step after digestion in the stomach. Specifically, the small intestine is involved in digestion and absorption processes. It receives bile and pancreatic juices that aid in further digestion of material, and diffuses digested food through its thin walls and allows nutrients to move into the bloodstream to feed cells throughout the body.
Hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicateis is a clay type product used to detoxify feeds. It reduces mycotoxin and aflatoxin levels in poultry. Mixed with feed, the product travels through the digestive tract collecting and binding the above mentioned mico-organisms. Trials with Hscas and Salinomycin showed no significant decrease in Salinomycin effectiveness according to A&M University of Texas.
to obtain nitrogen...
Mice can not digest diary. Feeding a mouse cow milk can cause an imbalance in its digestive tract. If you need to hand feed a baby mouse, which is very hard to do, then you need to use milk replacement formula made for puppies.
Tapeworms are parasitic; they don't have need a digestive system because they absorb the nutrients they need from their host(s).
Why would you think it would be good to feed your pet spoiled food? Have you not seen pets eat garbage and then throw it up? The same bacteria that are harmful to your digestive tract are harmful to your pet. Don't risk your pets health.