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You can do several things by the easiest would be to work on your "faking" skills. If you can't even be able to pretend to have a stomach virus then you should probably go take a class or something. Now if you must be sick, then here's what you do. Take 4 teaspoons of salt and pour them into a 7up soda. Let the salt sit for awhile, and then drink the 7up. Make sure to chug down the very last bit of it, no matter how nasty. Within 10-15 you will be throwing up 4-5 times. This is not a fun thing so be careful, you might end up seriously sick in the end. :]

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When you have a stomach virus what does your stomach produce to get rid of it?

Having a stomach virus does not mean that the virus is in the stomach. Few germs could live in the acid there. What stomach virus refers to is a virus infection in the entire body that happens to cause nausea and expulsion of the stomach's contents and also diarrhea in the intestines.

What do you have - headache and stomach sick?

If you have a fever it may be the stomach virus

What is a fake virus?

A fake virus is something that looks like a virus, but is a "contained virus" in a way because the user of the "infected" computer can just shutdown their computer, and it will be all good again. A good way to make these fake viruses are via command prompt (batch files), and java scripts.

Which known computer viruses are fake?

The "You Are An Idiot" virus is fake. Just a Java code. Also, is fake.

Can humans catch a stomach virus from dogs?

Mammals in most cases are susceptible to the same viruses.

Headache and a stomach pain is this a virus?

Based on the symptoms it's most likely a virus.

In the Matrix what is the name of the bug that the Agents put inside Neo's stomach?

Stomach virus

Can you eat french fries when you have had a stomach virus?

Yes, the salt is good for your stomach. It coats it.

What can pregnant women take for a stomach virus?

When I got the stomach virus, they gave me phennergin (I think I spelled it wrong). It works really well, but makes you sleepy.

Is the virus Here you have it or Just for you real?

It is actually a fake virus that is trying to make people scared. If you receive any answers other than this, they are fake. Remember that it is not true so do not worry!

What is a camouflage virus?

Virus program writers can have fake code within the programto prevent virus checkers from spotting the patterns of instructions which are commonly used in virus programs

How can you tell a virus is false?

I'm assuming your asking how can you tell a virus scanner is false. Most false virus scanners will pop up after you have visited a webpage or received an e-mail with the fake virus embedded. most fake virus scanners will ask you for your credit card before it will even attempt "cleaning" your computer.