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WikiAnswers is not going to help you fake a serious condition. People who have seizures are not playing around. They have a disorder that could possibly be life-threatening, so it's not fun and games.

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10y ago
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14y ago

Yes, and usually only medically trained personnel that are experienced with Grand Mal/Petit Mal Seizures can catch em'. A Seizure is basically a storm of the CNS (brain). A persons' presentation can range from staring off into space to clonic/tonic convulsions. With either type of seizure, there is total loss of conscious. Afterward, a postictal state will ensue, where the person is groggy/tired, as if they've just awakened. Frequenty there is incontinence of the bladder/bowel, as they might wet/poop themselves, during the seizure activity. Keep the person from injuring themselves and call 911.

Cyanosis......SEIZURE LATER!

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10y ago

You don't. This can be very serious. If you are faking a seizure and are treated for it, you may be seriously harmed by the treatment. You could also become the "boy who cried wolf" and not receive needed treatment when you do have a seizure because people believe you are faking.

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15y ago

Fein headaches, dizziness, and slurred speach and lethargic movements. But faking an injury is never right to do.

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14y ago

As long as you're alive someone can act their whole life on seizures.I'm not sure who would do that. But (almost) anything in the can be acted out.

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13y ago

You shouldn`t

But a migrane is a headache but also you see flashing lights EVERYWHERE!

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