1) You thank God that you were set free from this person. 2) You join an online support group for people who have gone through what you've gone through (check out the Narcissism Survivor's group on MSN.com) 3) Read as much as you can on the subject (if your local library doesn't have any books on the subject, ask them to have books reserved from other branches. Read as much as you can and the experiences and advice from others will help you to heal. I promise! You avoid the leech completely.
Since a pathological liar and narcissist is never going to be reasonable about anything, there is no point in reasoning with such a person; just refuse to have anything more to do with this toxic individual for any reason. If this person phones, just say that you won't accept any more phone calls, and hang up. If he or she shows up at the door, don't open it (and call the police if necessary).
a scumbag narcissist
A pathological liar may also be schizophrenic. Both are defects in the brain and schizophrenia may be the cause of pathological lying.
Sounds like a compulsive liar or a narcissist
well yeah. but it matters. how did you lose them?
a pathological liar.you can call them a:liarcheaterfroadfalsifierperjurerprevaricatorli⋅ar -nouna person who tells lies.a pathological liarThey also may be called Harrison, Hariytt or HarryTheToiletAlso mohammad safwan lol.
It is NOT a pathological liar, they are two separate things (look it up if you'd like). Compulsive liar is the correct name, and they are also known as habitual or chronic liars.AnswerI think it's pathological liar. You can find out for sure by browsing the web under mental illness.
Answer You really can't. There can be no trust in a relationship with a pathological liar and trust is an absolute foundation of any long-term relationship.
Let me begin by saying that I'm a pathological liar : P