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put the animal in the middle of the road then take ur car and run it over then i think u might want to take it to the vet and im sure the vet is too stupid to help u so just grab a kinve and slit its throat then bury the thing in ur ex-boyfriends backyard

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Q: How do you cure metabolic bone disease in reptiles?
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If a leopard gecko has metabolic bone disease how can you cure it besides the whole calcium thing?

if it has metabolic bone disease you can take it to the vet or give it a nice warm bath and a rub or massage on the tummy

Is there a cure for bone marrow?

Bone marrow is not a disease. It is the stuff inside bones where blood cells are made.

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bone marrow transplant is the only known cure of sickle cell disease.

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Stem cell or bone marrow transplants are the only cure for sickle cell disease

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Sadly, there is no cure to Wilson's disease. : (

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Bahjat disease, also known as familial hypercholesterolemia, is a genetic disorder that causes high cholesterol levels. While there is no definitive cure for the condition, it can be managed and controlled through lifestyle changes, medications, and in some cases, procedures such as apheresis or liver transplant. It is important to work closely with a healthcare provider to create a treatment plan that suits individual needs.

How can bone sickness be cure?

By takeing out the bone

How do you cure Mareks disease?

There is no cure for Marek's disease - this is a cancer caused by a virus.

Is there a cure to rabies vaccine?

A vaccine is a form of disease prevention, not a cure for a disease.

Are bone marrow transplants risky?

Bone marrow transplants are accompanied by serious and life-threatening risks. Furthermore, they are not always an absolute assurance of a cure for the underlying ailment; a disease may recur in the future.

Can you cure Heart diseases?

You can indeed find a cure for Heart disease in the future if you work hard enough. There is no cure for heart disease today though.

How do you cure swamp fever in oblivion?

Just buy a Cure disease potion, eat mandrake or get the cure disease spell.