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Q: How do you cure a sore throat caused by mandarins quickly?
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Related questions

How do you cure a sore throat quickly?

Gargle with salt water

How does iodine cure a sore throat?

I have never heard of usin iodine to cure a sore throat, but iodine is an anti-infectant, in other words, it kills germs. Despite the fact that the cold is caused by a virus, a sore throat is often caused by bacteria, and so killing them will get rid of the sore throat. However, if you stop the iodine before they are all dead, your sore throat will get worse.

Do Tamiflu cure strep throats?

Tamiflu is an antiviral medication, not an antibiotic. Strep throat is caused by a streptococcal (strep) infection. Strep is a bacteria. An antiviral will have little to no affect on bacteria.

Does sprite cure a sore throat?

No. Sprite has no medicinal value whatsoever. It may temporarily soothe a sore throat, but it will not cure it.

What is the cure of strep throat?


Can you cure a patient with AIDS who is infected by throat cancer?

Ther is no cure for AIDS

Is calamansi can cure soar-throat?

Yes it can help your throat it's just like honey

Will INH treat strep?

INH or isoniazide is anti tuberculosis drug. I does not cure the strep throat.

How do you cure a dry throat?

Drink water n1gga

How do you cure a soar throat?

You can cure a soar throat by gurgling salt water. I'm 100% sure that it helps. Im not the person who wrote this, but it really does help. Thanks for the advice

Can meloxicam be used to treat strep throat?

This is analgesic or pain killer drug. It will not cure the strep throat.

Will sulamethoxazole treat strep?

No. It is not effective to cure the strep throat.