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Q: How do you control the spread of cobwebs?
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If you take 1 pound cobwebs and spread them out in 1 straight line how long will they be in miles?

48000 miles

One pound of cobwebs spread out in a straight line will wrap around Earth how many times?


When was Cobwebs to Catch Flies created?

Cobwebs to Catch Flies was created in 1783.

How can you prevent cobwebs?

The best way to prevent cobwebs is to keep the area clean. Frequently sweeping, vacuuming and dusting the entire area will keep cobwebs from developing.

How do you get rid of cobwebs?

dust it

How do you pluralize the wordcobweb?


Do spiders make cobwebs?

Cobwebs begin with a strand of spider's silk, but it attracts ionized dust motes, and builds into a chain. Cobwebs are made from spiders, but are different than spiderwebs in that they are not for the purpose of catching prey.

How do you use the word cobweb in a sentence?

The spider left cobwebs everywhere in the warehouse The spider left huge cobwebs on the window

How do you remove cobwebs on virtual family's?

Place someone on the upper right of the bathroom next to sink. They will begin to remove cobwebs.

Will cobwebs trip a breaker?

No, cobwebs alone will not trip a breaker. Breakers are designed to protect against overloading and short circuits, not cobwebs. However, if the cobwebs accumulate and cause insulation damage, it could potentially cause an electrical issue that may trip the breaker. Regular cleaning and maintenance can help prevent this.

These are found in the corners and ceilings of a haunted house?

What are cobwebs? Cobwebs are created by spiders as they spin silk to catch prey. They are commonly found in corners and ceilings of buildings, including haunted houses, where they can add to the eerie atmosphere. The presence of cobwebs can also indicate that the area has not been disturbed for some time.

What is the function of duster?

Removing dust and cobwebs.