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The problem with AIDS is a complex one. AIDS is more prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa than in most places worldwide. The issue there is very different to elsewhere. Girls in sub-Saharan Africa are very vulnerable. Nobody protects them, they are just expected to collect water from the well, lumber for the fire, and make clothes with their mother (etc.). While the girls are totally unsupervised, and even in the company of other girls, predators (humans, obviously) rape them. The same happens to women. The issue is that the situation is totally uncontrollable until the culture changes. You can't expect a rapist to wear a condom, especially if it is going to cost him. In this way, AIDS is able to spread rapidly. Mission work (i.e. religion) (though this may worsen the situation), emancipation and education of women and greater investment in an uncorrupted and effective police force may all help to improve the situation. This cannot happen until the country itself wants this change and has achieved at least a modicum of economic stability.

Another reason why HIV is spread in undeveloped countries is due to blood donation, as you can sell your blood for a fair sum. However, the needles are rarely properly sterilised, and there is plenty of opportunity for infection. To prevent the spread via this route, you have to either ensure that people can get a reasonable income via other means, or ensure that all medical equipment must be legally sterilised. It is a similar situation with drugs which are injected. The solution is to treat drug addicts by taking them off the streets, putting them into a rehab institute, and getting a productive citizen out the other end.

In a broader context, the spread of HIV/AIDS is much less of a problem in developed countries. In any situation in which AIDS has become an issue, the best solution is contraception, but it's always best to look into it. Increasingly, alcohol is responsible for irresponsible actions, especially among young people, which inevitably leads to the spread of any STD, including HIV. To combat this, raise the minimum age for alcohol consumption, raise awareness about the amount you should be drinking or make alcohol illegal.

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12y ago

Anti-retrovirals prevent HIV from successfully replicating. You have to take a combination of drugs and one of them is called a protease inhibitor that prevents HIV binding to a host cell,without a host cell HIV will wither and die.

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12y ago

you control the spread of hiv by using a condom when havin sexual relationships. Or been exposed to semen ,saliva, and/or blood.

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Correct...HIV can lead to AIDS and AIDS can only be caused be the HIV virus.

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HIV is an early form of aids. Every one who has AIDS had HIV at one point.

What is the difference between having HIV and Aids?

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. Hence, HIV in the virus and AIDS is the disease that results from the virus.

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HIV is a virus; AIDS is a disease.

One of the distinguishing characteristics between HIV and AIDS is?

HIV is a virus. AIDS is a diagnosis. HIV is contagious and causes a person to develop AIDS. AIDS is not contagious and only occurs in people who are HIV+.

Do birth control pills help prevent AIDS?

No, birth control pills can not protect you from AIDS. The only protection is to use a condom, every time, or not have sex at all. strictly speaking you are not infected by AIDS. The infection is HIV which may or may not develop into AIDS in the future. there are people who have been living with HIV for 20 years or more who have not (yet) developed AIDS.