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The best method for cleansing the urinary system is by drinking cranberry juice (along with antibiotic treatment, as necessary, and as prescribed by a physician).

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Q: How do you clean your bladder of infection?
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Can you get a bladder infection from swimming in a public pool?

Yes because if the pool is Not clean then bacteria is in the pool which causes his infection

I have been having a weird burning sensation after I pee It's not a bladder infection I have taken all the medications for the bladder infections but i still am having the same sensation?

You have a yeast infection, you can go to the pharmacy in get medicine. Be Careful when you clean your self that also can cause an infection.

Can zithromax cause bladder infection?

Zithromax does not cause bladder infection.

Where does a bladder infection come from?

A bladder infection often results due to bacteria present in urine traveling from the bladder through the urethra. The infection often is associated with a urinary tract infection.

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Can a bladder infection in a man cause trichomonas?

No, a bladder infection caused by bacteria (such as a urinary tract infection) is different from trichomoniasis, which is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. Bladder infections in men are typically caused by bacteria, not parasites like Trichomonas.

Can i woman get a bladder infection from being pleasured but not orgasuming?

One has nothing to do with the other. You get a bladder infection from bacteria entering the bladder.

Can you smoke with a bladder infection?

Well smoking is never good for you but the bladder infection wont get worse if you do.

How do you avoid a bladder infection?

Always pee after having sex or masterbating. And always wipe with clean toilet paper from front to back.

What is a commonly known as a bladder infection?

A bladder infection is a bacterial disease. Most are caused when bacteria travel up the urethra (backward, or ascending) to the bladder. This is more common in women because of the close proximity of the urethra to the vagina and the growth of bacteria in the closed environment of the vulva.Bladder infections are caused by the bacteria E. coli.

What are contraindication of bladder irrigation?

bleeding GUT infection bladder distention bladder cramps

Can male puppy get bladder infection?

Any dog can get a bladder infection, although it is more common in female dogs.