It'll take more than cheer. Professional help is needed, probably a combination of therapy and medication. The depressed person has work to do that you can't do for him or her.
But you can be supportive and try not to get sucked into the cycle yourself. Do what you can to keep things normal and stable, and then be patient.
If you'd like to tell someone to cheer up in Spanish you would say alegrarse. This is a very nice way to brighten someone's day.
You can cheer up someone by randomly saying a joke around. You could also participate in a dance together.
There are many ways to cheer someone up. Sometimes, the best way to cheer someone up is to listen to them, as allowing them to speak about their troubles or problems with someone is often relieving. Being optimistic and patient with some will soon put them in a good mood when they see that you are trying your best.
A good way to cheer someone is to give them some space for awhile. If that does not work trie to cheer them up by give tell them funny jokes you can also do something funny too. Another option is to just give them a smile it will work wonders!!
Sometimes words are not enough to cheer someone up depending on the circumstances that person is going through. Although it is difficult to see someone you care about feeling sad or depressed the only thing you can do to help is let them know you are there for them and a shoulder to cry on.
Some negative stereotypes of clinical depression include the belief that individuals with depression are lazy, weak, or just seeking attention. There is also a misconception that depression can be easily overcome with just positive thinking or by simply "cheering up." Finally, some people may stereotype those with depression as being a burden on others or incapable of leading a fulfilling life.
Charlotte's Web
Depression is feeling very sad. Hopelessness is loss of hope. These are the word meanings. Clinical depression of Depressive Disorder is a medical illness, which has hopelessness as one of its features. Just being hopeless could be because (of series) of frustrating life experiences. This is different from Clinical depression.
People try to cheer you up because they are friends with you. They could also try to cheer you up because they don't wnat a sad guy in your gang. This is also true: If someone sees someone who is mad or a little down, the person looking at the sad guy can be given negative energy(not scientiffically). I mean that they could become mad or sad too.
during the great depression, it was a way to 'cheer people up' and be able to go out and have a nice time in these times of hardship.
I am a teen who has been diagnosed with depression. You can think your all sad and pathetic but until you talk to a doctor or a therapist you can't say you're "mentally depressed" or "clinically depressed". I'm clinical. If its clinical they can fix it. If its mental then they can give you some happy pills but its up to you to get over it.
Cheer Up was created on 1996-10-08.