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Breaking your shoulder blade usually is the result of a fall on your back or blunt force trauma to the shoulder blade.

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Q: How do you break your scapulae?
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Related questions

How many scapulae do you have in your body?

Your body has two scapulae. These are the shoulder blades.

What pulls the scapulae medially?

The rhomboid muscles and the middle trapezius muscle pull the scapulae medially. These muscles work together to retract and stabilize the scapulae toward the spine.

What bones are anterior to your scapulae?

The ribs

What is the origin of the scapulae?

On the lateral side of neck

What muscle rotates the neck?

Levator scapulae

Is the scapulae the same as the shoulder?

Yes, you are correct.

What part of scapulae does the lateral end of clavicle articulate with?

The lateral ends of the clavicles articulate with the acromion processes of the scapulae. This joint is called the acromioclavicular joint.

Do the scapulae form the collar bone?

No, the scapulae (shoulder blades) do not form the collar bone (clavicle). The scapulae are flat bones located in the upper back and the clavicle is a long bone that runs horizontally across the front of the shoulder connecting the scapula to the sternum.

Synergistic muscles in the levator scapulae?

Trapezius 1

What is the plural of scapula?

The plural of scapula is scapulas or scapulae.

What is the action of the levitor scapulae muscle?

Raises the scapula at the Scapulothoracic Joint or inclines neck to corresponding side if the scapula is fixed

What connects to scapulae?

The scapulae, also known as shoulder blades, connect to the clavicles (collarbones) at the acromioclavicular joint. Muscles such as the trapezius, deltoid, and rotator cuff muscles also connect to the scapulae to help move and stabilize the shoulder joint.