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It depends on why it is swollen. If it is swollen from being hit or something you can use ice and besides that it will just take time. If this is from a piercing then you may have an infection and need to see a doctor.

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17y ago
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16y ago

i don't know that there is a quick way to speed up the healing process and make it go away any quicker however you might consider using things like make up foundation to cover it up like many people do for blemishes

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16y ago

A black eye is just a bruise and can be treated like any other bruise. Massage can help. Cold can reduce the swelling. Otherwise, just wait and let time take care of it.

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15y ago

The other day I fell and got a black eye, and I have blood on my eye, so I think the best way to get rid of it is by rinsing your eye with water.

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13y ago

Use an ice-pack but it still takes time. Meanwhile you could try to cover it with make-up.

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12y ago

you cant it will just go its self just give it time

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Q: How do u get rid of black eyes?
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