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Q: How do they test polio today?
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How does the polio vaccine effect us today?

There are still cases of polio out there today, so we have the vaccinations if someday we were to have another breakout of the epidemic!

How do you test polio?

You take your fingers and slowly place them up your rectum then you sniff it and if it smells like fish then you have polio.

Why do people suffered from polio before 1955 than they do today?

Scientists were able to create a vaccine that protects people from the polio virus.

What was the impact of Jonas Salk?

Jonas Salk developed the Polio Vaccine at the University of Pittsburgh. Without the Polio vaccine, people today would still be suffering from the disease today.

How old is the oldest living polio survivor today?

My dad turned 100 yrs old Jan. 8, 2013. He got polio when he was 4 yrs. old.

Why is polio such a rare disease today?

Polio is rare today due to widespread vaccination efforts, specifically the introduction of the oral polio vaccine in the 1960s and subsequent global immunization campaigns. These efforts have greatly reduced the number of polio cases worldwide and helped control the spread of the disease.

Where is Polio most commonly found?

Polio is transmitted through saliva. This could be found in lakes, pools, sharing a drink, etc.

Who invented the polio shot?

The first polio vaccine was created in 1952 by Jonas Salk at the University of Pittsburgh. It required years of practice and tweaking to get the vaccine to the point of effectiveness it has today.

How has the disability of Roosevelt made an impact on us today?

Roosevelt's disability which made it impossible for him to walk. was due to an attack of polio. The March of Dimes which was held on his birthday, raised large amounts of money for polio research and may have helped the finding of the polio vaccine.

How many people have polio today worldwide?

As of July 14, 2010 there have been 545 cases of "wild" polio worldwide in 2010. The total number of cases in 2009 was 1604. There are still some countries using the oral polio vaccine that in extremely rare cases can cause polio. I don't know the statistics for those cases.

What disability did Franklin D. Roosevelt suffer from?

It had always been though that he had polio. Modern medical experts now believe that he suffered from Guillain-Barre syndrome. He had polio. Polio was his chief ailment, though he may have also had others. Based on help from the news media, few Americans knew FDR had polio.

Can cold water cause polio?

No, it takes the polio virus to cause polio. The polio virus can be defeated by having a polio vaccination.