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Q: How do they make suleka mathew look like she is an amputee on HawthoRNe?
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What are some fun winter activities for an amputee?

Some fun winter activities for an amputee might include something like sledding or even just sitting outside. If someone else is present there shouldn't be any problems.

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What was Hawthorne's world like?

Hawthorne's world is like Wayne's world. It was full of mischievous antics, as Hawthorne rode around on a motorcycle, screaming "The British are coming!" on the weekends, and stayed with his parents on the weekdays, playing "Scarfaced Letter" on his workstation 3.

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The cast of Like Angels We Sing - 2012 includes: Dustin Dopsa Brandon Hawthorne as Brandon Hawthorne

Who does mathew watters like?

Tyson tymo and jaden shulhan

What do women think of guy that might be good looking but has a disability Like paraplegic amputee's ect?

I thought "I hope you ask me out on a date" and he did.

Is methadone for pain?

yes it is, but it should only be taken if in severe pain like if you are an amputee or something. It is one of the most addictive drugs.

What does Gale Hawthorne like to do in the Hunger Games?

hunt. and protect katniss

Who does two-bit Mathew look like?

my dadlook up a pic of him on google, duhhhh!!

What is the English name for matias?

the English name mor matias is mathew like the god.

Why is Andy from Maya and Miguel missing his forearm?

he is a congenital amputee which means he was born with one hand. There are many children born like this all over the world.